Category Archives: Latest Gives

$1,660.00 Donated

Austin Children’s Shelter was the recipient of a $1,660.00 donation on behalf of our clients, Jesus and Maria who recently purchased a home with the help of Amity Courtois.  Best of all? This donation was MATCHED through the generosity of Nancy and Nyle Maxwell.

$3,564.00 Donated

Lessin SafePlace Pic

Amity Courtois recently helped the Lessin family purchase a home. As a result, they donated $1,762.00 to SafePlace and $1,762.00 the Life You Can Save organization. Two great nonprofits! One doing wonderful work locally, the other globally.

$3,037.50 Donated

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine recently received a donation of $3037.50 on behalf of the Kruse’s, who were clients of Victoria Pearson. PCRMs efforts are dramatically changing the way doctors treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. By putting prevention over pills, doctors are empowering their patients to take control of their own health.  Learn more at

How it Works

When you buy or sell a home, 25% of Give Realty’s commission is donated to the 501(c)3 nonprofit of the client’s choice. That’s right – YOU choose the recipient. Learn More

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