
If you are a realtor or business owner interested in the speaking with Laurie about this philanthropic, “for-benefit” business model, we ask that you book that time with her by making a donation to one of her favorite, local non-profits: Leadership Austin. You can make the donation and book a time to speak with Laurie by visiting the donation page.

Cadillac Spirit of Innovation Spot featuring Give Realty

RISE Global Talks About: Social Entrepreneur from Bridget Green on Vimeo.

Ethics in Business Awards Interview

Legend of RecognizeGood – May 2010

Where Heart and “SOLD” Impact the Community

Laurie Loew of Give Realty interview for GivingCity

How it Works

When you buy or sell a home, 25% of Give Realty’s commission is donated to the 501(c)3 nonprofit of the client’s choice. That’s right – YOU choose the recipient. Learn More

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